Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sexy Brazilian Twins Synchronized Swimmer Bia and Branca

Moreira Beatriz Feres (Bia) and Branca Feres Moreira (Rio de Janeiro, 22 February 1988) are twins, athletes from synchronized swimming Brazilian and VJ's from MTV Brazil.

Sexy Synchronized SwimmerBia and Branca Feres started swimming and doing gymnastics for 3 years. In July, entered the synchronized swimming. Brazilian category were champions in duet The infant and adult category for team, champions of South American youth and adults by duet team and took second place in the Pan American Junior Orlando (2005). Two years ago, part of the adult national team and now will compete in the first Pan-American.
Sexy Synchronized SwimmerFor eight hours every day, they come together in a pool. And beyond the routine of athletes are also always stuck: at breakfast, lunch, computer and even when they go to the movies with their boyfriends. Definitely, sync is not lacking for the twins Bia and Branca Feres, 19, muses of the Brazilian national synchronized swimming. With his six team-mates, they will be in contention for a gold medal at the XV Pan American Games Rio 2007 in July.

Sexy Synchronized Swimmer